A poem by Shaun. I'm grateful that I have parents to love and to love me
A poem by Shaun.
I'm grateful to be alive
I'm grateful to have clean clothes
I'm grateful that I
I'm grateful to have clean clothes
I'm grateful that I
I can breathe
I'm grateful that I have parents to love and to love me
I'm grateful that I have parents to love and to love me
I'm grateful to have such a loving sister
I'm grateful to have a bed
I'm grateful that I have parents to love and to love me
I'm grateful I can make and drink chai whenever the hell I want
I'm grateful for all of my wonderful friends that have stuck by me (you know who you are)
I'm grateful that I have parents to love and to love me
damn, that felt good. It's been a minute. didn't mean to impede your facebook with this but it made me feel good

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